Sailing route from Fethiye - 7 days

Duration: 7 Days
Distance: 97 nm

Itinerary description by day

Day 1


Fethiye, located on the southwestern coast of Turkey, is a bustling and picturesque town that serves as an excellent starting point or destination for any sailing itinerary in the region. With its rich history, stunning landscapes, and excellent facilities.
Distance: 0nm
Duration: 0 hours
Day 2

Coldwater Bay

Coldwater Bay, located near Fethiye on the southwestern coast of Turkey, is a secluded and picturesque anchorage that offers sailors a tranquil and refreshing retreat. The bay is largely undeveloped, with a focus on preserving its natural beauty. Just a short hike from Coldwater Bay, Kayaköy is an abandoned village that was once home to a thriving Greek community.
Distance: 7nm
Duration: 2 hours
Day 3


Kaş is a vibrant and welcoming destination that offers a perfect blend of natural beauty, rich history, and excellent facilities. Kas is surrounded by ancient Lycian ruins, including the Antiphellos Theatre, rock tombs, and sarcophagi. These historical sites provide a fascinating glimpse into the region’s past. The waters are generally calm, providing a safe and reliable anchorage spot.
Distance: 35nm
Duration: 8 hours
Day 4


Kalkan is a charming and scenic harbor town that offers a perfect blend of natural beauty and modern amenities. Historic old town is a maze of narrow streets lined with charming whitewashed houses adorned with bougainvillea. The area is perfect for a leisurely stroll, shopping, and dining. Kalkan has a small but well-equipped marina that offers water, electricity, and fuel.
Distance: 15nm
Duration: 4 hours
Day 5


Oludeniz is renowned for its breathtaking turquoise lagoon, stunning beaches, and vibrant natural scenery. This picturesque destination is a highlight for sailors exploring the Turkish Riviera, offering calm waters and excellent anchorage. The lagoon itself is a protected area with restrictions on anchoring to preserve the natural environment. Sailors typically anchor outside the lagoon in the designated anchoring zones.
Distance: 9nm
Duration: 2 hours
Day 6

Binlik Koyu

Binlik Koyu is a serene and picturesque bay that offers sailors a tranquil retreat away from the more crowded spots along the Turkish Riviera. The surrounding hills provide excellent hiking opportunities, with trails that offer panoramic views of the bay and the surrounding coastline. The bay is well-protected from prevailing winds with good anchorage.
Distance: 16nm
Duration: 4 hours
Day 7


Distance: 15nm
Duration: 4 hours

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