Heavy weather tactics
Chances of getting in heavy weather?
Whether you are cruising or racing, it is likely that one day you will find yourself sailing in a heavy weather at some point. Even if you sail in the most protected waters, one day, you will need to act to protect yourself and your boat against an unexpected strong squall, high seas, and other forces of nature. Or more likely, after beating hard for three hours on a charter passage, you will need to take a break. So, it is good to know what to do.
If you set up you sails knowing the weather will build, there are some things you should do before leaving the dock to prepare the crew and the boat. Other times if bad weather sneaks up on you, you need to be able to handle what nature throws your way.
Objectives of the course
The main goal of this webinar is to learn how to avoid heavy weather and build a safe route. An incredible amount of weather information is available on your smartphone which is invaluable when planning your sail and when underway.
With modern forecasting, a true storm will rarely arrive unannounced, but as you sail further offshore the chances of being caught out will increase. While running for cover would seem the preferred choice, the danger lies in being caught in the storm, close to a shore, with no room to maneuver or run off.
So, being caught in the storm it is crucial to know what to do. Storm tactics will help you to handle the storm once you are in it.
- How to avoid heavy weather
- Weather information via apps and on-line
- How you should act in heavy weather
- Storm tactics and techniques
Luca Zapparoli
Professional sailing instructor
More than 27 years of sailing experience. 25,000 nautical miles navigated in the Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea. Has great experience in long-range crossings and ocean passages in variable weather conditions. Sailing and meteorology instructor in Spanish sailing federation (“Federacion de Vela de la Comunidad Valenciana” (FVCV)). Author of the book “La Vela: Teoria y Tecnica” (Sail: Theory and Practice). Now used as manual in FVCV.
Hobbies: licensed diver, licensed aircraft pilot
Education: engineer, MBA graduate of Boston EE. UU
Italian, fluent in: Italian, English, Spanish
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